My husband, filled with Christian charity, sent me a photograph from Iraq that was supposed to make me feel good inside. Since his long absence making war on behalf of Israel, he has been piloting home-front relations via florists, war-fighting logo t-shirts and many "morale-boosting" photographs of the troops I am expected to support.
Among these photographs can be found one of him cleaning a pistol while couching in one of Saddam Hussein's bombed-out palaces. The photo was made for me in keeping with the military's "ready to fight but mentally right" campaign.
They encourage a happy-go-lucky attitude in what they call "our troops" and foster the same in their wives via Stateside wife support groups. Uncle Sam wants to make sure that our creek never runs too deep by having distractions, social activities and "little jobs" to keep us busy and content.
In this photo my husband sat amid the rubble of air-strikes in what used to be an opulent chair. To me there was something dour about the photograph -- as disemboweling and grim as the ruins of Dresden and Hiroshima.
When he sent me a photo of his Christian Bible study group posing with their humanitarian mental hygiene, it did not elicit the hoped-for applause. Instead I saw the photo as a taunting mockery against Israel's victims via unwitting military Christians.
These Christians in uniform did not seem to know that they have been pitted against Muslims on behalf of Israel. Here was a fighting force in a country they had invaded on behalf of bullying Israel -- posing with improvised, low-budget wheelchairs they were encouraged to make for children who have been crippled by war.

The last thing we need is more of the Wizard's propaganda. The words used by President Obama shed light on an insidious undercurrent at work in the Middle East, "...disrupt and dismantle." Before one conquers, one seeks to divide.
In the Punjab and Pakistan, for example, power outages are presently being used to torture and harass civilians. This creates internal strife and detracts from a country's unity -- much like the drone strikes that pretended to go after Baitullah Mehsud for so long, while killing and maiming non-combatant civilians.
These insulting wheelchairs seem to be fostered by the same regime who writes anti-Muslim propaganda on the Wizard's Wikipedia. Of the strategically-fortuitous power outages in Pakistan, the Wikipedia writes " Pakistani politicians are known to be congenital liars," and how no relief is in sight for Pakistanis due to the "hopelessness and incapability of successive administrations in Pakistan." It is obvious who is writing for the Wikipedia -- pots calling the kettle black who are worried about Pakistani nukes. The same bunch who seeks to ban guns in America for the same reason.
So when I saw these cheaply-made wheelchairs with hard plastic seats, it broke my heart that a regime who spends billions on making war for Israel can do no better than this for Islam's little victims. Shame on the war department for how they spend our money.