I went to Carnton.
And listened to a load of
slanted rubbish that passes for history.
From an historian with “bribed and threatened” writ upon the face. From this purchased mouth issued a signature
that had been forced down my throat at universities. So I know it well.
American history has gone to hell.
Just like General Cleburne said it would.
Just like General Cleburne said it would.

Expect no tokenism or commie correctitude from me. Just a straight shot. Preferably to the forehead.
“The Best Room” is a formal sitting room in country halls. “In my Father’s house are
many mansions.” A mansion is
a very nice house. Nicer than
most. So let us toast.
Here’s to the palatial estate. To manors and manners.
And to the families who lived there. Here’s to the grand old home-place. To the sprawling manse. The Celtic castle. And German schloss. Château-villa on a lake. Diodati.
The enemy within is a spy, traitor, usurper, and economic
rapist. He is a debaucher of
youth. Just take a walk through
any mall and look at teen fashions.
I personify him as St. John did.
Taking poetic license, I
call him Mr. 9:11 in reference to St. John the Divine’s Chapter 9, Verse 11 of
The Book of Revelation.
Abaddon. Apollion. The Destroyer of all that is right and
good. Mr. 9:11 can be defined as today’s burrowed-in bolshevik
bastard. He is international. Seemingly ubiquitous but makes up a
small percentage of the world population.
That is why Mr. 9:11 is presently devising ways to kill
millions of people who might suddenly revolt and wipe him off the map
(preferably by the gibbet). If you
have doubts, look into the night sky with telephoto lenses. See for yourself.
During my walk through Internet search engines, not a word
about “the best room.” Why not Mr.
9:11? Is it because what goes on
in a Best Room is not something you want us to value?
Manor houses and the Aristocracy who inhabited them are
hated by Mister 9:11.

Mister 9:11 is the architect of the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution and the Cuban Revolution. He devised the Vietnam War (stop Communism? What the hell for…). Heroin requires a smoke-screen. And what a smoke-screen it was. Ever see so many body bags and dog tags? What’s that you say? A great loss of life? Mr. 9:11 is the architect of “9/11.” I do not believe that is a co-incidence.
I believe the chips fell that way so “you guys” won’t have trouble
remembering who Mr. 9:11 is.
Of course Mr. 9:11 would advance existentialism. He wants you to
think and believe that things happen by chance. He wants you to go to Las Vegas (lost wages) and
gamble. He wants you to believe in
Lady Luck. He wants you to live by
the seat of your trousers – not by the Law of God.
In my Old South there were many mansions. I’m sitting not far from the site of
one right now. Just a green hill
overlooking the Nile. Sans the
hippo and the crocodile.
Many mansions were burned to the ground as fine as Althorp. Lac Leman is represented
here. The Jura, aye, our grade is
steeper. And our horse is
a keeper. Mr. 9:11 dare not modify him genetically. Who then would
win his races? Gambling fool.
Call them Mattapany.
Beechwood. Carnton. Mount Vernon. The Hermitage.
Monticello. Let them
represent and speak for a multitude of others lain to ashes by the federal
terrorism of 1861.
In these mansions I see a Best Room. A room that has been snuffed out of text
like John Kennedy was snuffed out of government.
That is because it was in this room where people did what
they seldom do today. They sat and
enjoyed each other’s company in lofty ways. Read aloud in the Queen's English to the delight of listeners rapt. Aye post-modern rabble, I say, from their libraries of good books. They made respectable eye contact during the craft of polite conversation. It is a talent.
Like good writing or making music.
In the Best Room, one called on his wife or daughter to sit at the piano
and touch a cathedral ceiling with her song.
Glorious and genuine things happened in the Best Room. People were amused, educated, courted
and entertained there. What did
not happen there is what happens today damn-near everywhere:
idiot-box-television, idle gossip, smut, mindless video games,
FaceBook bullshit, Twitter-Twaddle, AOL wife-swapping and spiritual filth like
a rotting corpse. I too see through
your white-washed sepulcher, Apollion.