To whom it concerns: Part of my Calling is to educate. Since you are a "goer with the flow," it should not be a stretch for you to go with my flow. The only flow that matters. All the other flows of your life have been judas goats. If you do not know what a judas goat is, the time is high for you to look it up. As for taking cheap shots at my academic record, dude, the list is long of effs at mid term. it became par for the courses. predictably, depending on who was teaching them. and doing a shitty job of it (also predictably). the devil's people never make good teachers unless they are showing you how to cook meth or have perverted sex. That was some white water i was fighting too. the challenge became -- just to graduate. i left the local u. with a 3.8. Despite the haters. when i hit the oscar and golf, they went for my throat with all they had. same thing happened in minnesota and the bravo. i realised there was an "element" in academe that was out to get me. by last semester it began to dawn on me. who these people were and why they are still fighting ww2. their Christ'ian enemies are all dead, yet they still beat the horse. they are weaned to hate the last nation who gave them the drop-kick. not a word about the 55 others who have done exactly the same thing, for exactly the same reason. Since 700 Anno Domini. That's "A.D." in case you didn't know. It is Latin that means "Year of Our Lord." this is why they have changed it to (C.E.). That is for "common era." Totally bogus. It means nothing. Just more of the devil's gibberish. People choke on lots of that today. It is by design. Confusion is his wingman. My mission is to keep people like you from getting confused. So pay attention. Everything I'm writing here is beyond the craft of man. I would not dare claim it. Be aware of my humility. I just rose from a 103+ fever. Life is fragile here below. See, the deal with a fever, is that it sometimes burns so hot that it fries your brain. Think of the brain as a computer. That is why november india sierra charlie had to beef up the air conditioners on their main frame floor. That big main frame got real hot. thing is when a computer over-heats, it shuts down. everything crashes. your brain does the same thing on yellow fever, sepsis, scarlet fever and assorted strains of influenza. you don't survive the fever. because when your brain reaches a certain temp, it shuts down. when that happens, your lungs and heart shut down with it. flat line. exit stage left. you'll know then what a judas goat is, if that was your flow. going along to get along. don't do it. your ego will not leave here with you. nor your fiat money. our anatomy is fragile. we can slip away so easily. all it takes is a fever. you better believe that God has the helm. clearly we never do. in the case of the common reprobate, He just lets 'um twist in the wind. they deserve what they get for thinking that they are the captains of their soul. be advised that your current dictionaries are full of lies. they use every trick to confuse the school kids. the word reprobate has nothing to do with calvinism. Calvin was a frenchman who taught that we are saved by Grace. The myth of "predestination" is more baloney from team 6. the word "reprobate" means a stubborn fool on the broad path to damnation. heading for the black abyss. right where the judas goats led him. often times dangling their money carrots. money is the root of all evil God said. Case in point. boy you better listen to me. because i am assuredly whistling dixie. their elegant, noble and blessed civilisation had little to do with thralldom. though that has been the way of the world all the way back to Moses. france, england, portugal and many others had african captives working on their plantations. the traffickers, however, were the same gang that snatch your kids from wall mart. the missing kids who don't star in snuff films, spend their time sucking cox in houses of prostitution. no i'm not making this up. no motive. most people have a motive for what they do. get some read. but be careful where you get it. start with The Word of God. if you are interested in what went on in the old south, read the fremantle diary by cold stream guard officer lieutenant colonel james arthur lion fremantle. queen victoria sent him to investigate the cotton blockade. the truth from a 3rd party outsider with no motive to lie about anything. a fabulous read. i believe every word of it. As for God's mighty Word, i have led you people to water. but i cannot make you drink. God said "I am the living water." pseudo-Bible scholars quote that often time. but they couldn't tell you whom he was addressing. it applies to each of us. but was given initially to a quippy girl who came to draw water. while His men went off to get food, Jesus sat down by the well to rest. It was Jacob's well. Here comes this loose-livin' chick with a water jar. She of course was a Samaritan. And God said to her, "give me to drink." She quipped, "you people usually don't talk to us Samaritans and now you want water from me?" God answered saying, "if you knew Who I was, you would be asking me for water -- living water." She bantered back and forth with Him a little bit. And God said "go get your husband." She quipped "I have no husband." The Lord said "you have well spoken. For you have had five husbands and are currently shacked up with the new guy." Bam. God knows us at 360 degrees. She went running back to Samaria and said there was a man at the well who knew everything she had ever done. and that He was the Christ. That was the first thing she got right. And i am certain that her life improved from there. Living water, people. get yourselves some of that before a fever burns you off the stage.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Monday, September 5, 2022
Charlie tack One Three Zero
I have earned my place on their shit list. They killed my cat. Stuff like that. Been shot at more times than I can count. Rifles and pistols mostly. They pay bottom-feeders to crash their junkers into my car (T-boners, rear-enders and ones that come at me head-on). No dirt is too small. I've seen it all. Been smeared in their papers. Smeared on the net. Same treatment that real journalists get. Lunatic buzz jobs from C-130's. Look out for the long lens. My badge should be red. If I were not in the palm of God's hand, I would be dead. Still had work to do. When that is done -- so much for the fun. 😊
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Hostage to the Devil
T h e R e v i e w s
Years ago when I was clueless about the undercurrent that sweeps us along, I stumbled onto a "Malachi Martin" book. Reading this wordy load of Hostage to the Devil, I thought with my gullible mind, "Why is this so vulgar, twisted and perverted?" This guy used to be a priest.
Today I am of the opinion that this book is full of satanic admixture. Martin died in 1999. I purchased this book in 2006. The back of the title page on this HarperSanFranciso version is not clear on when this thing was published. They are careful not to give dates on anything.
So I purchased a copy of the first printing (1976). Word for word and page for page, the text was exactly the same. It was as creepy then as it is now. The only difference is the even creepier introduction supposedly written by "Malachi Martin" in 1992. "He" was still calling himself a Catholic priest in 1992. Yet according to google, Martin left the Cloth in the 60's. This intro reads like a college kid wrote it who was trying to impress us with how many words he could fish out of a thesaurus. The tell-tale signs are all over it. Like too many modifiers. This guy writes like a girl. In summary, it is a brag piece on what they are doing with your missing children. A real horn toot. What chya gonna do 'bout it, huh?
Please include all those young women who get the same treatment. They are as numerous as fire flies on a summer night. Missing, raped, mutilated and murdered. Same tack. Same cookie-cutter shit. Please getta clue before it happens to you.
In this book, the meandering case histories of the possessed seem to hail from the devil himself, not a Catholic soul who feared God. There are too many pages in this book like the Talmud. The writer milked it for miles beyond what it took to describe things. He had to be getting his jollies writing this stuff. If he had a legitimate case to recount, it would not include so much digression. He would have stuck to the story like anyone does who is telling the truth.
This puerile introduction is full of fillers and stretchers. An irreverent slog written by a Godless pig. No man full of the Holy Spirit would butcher this much Christian Protocol. An editor of my stripe knows what he is looking at. Miles of baloney. Was Malachi a phony? If he wrote this shit, there can be no doubt. But let us ferret the devil out.
This writer seems to luxuriate in the process of his writing like one who is channeling the flow of an unclean spirit. His writing was anything but clean. It spiraled deeper and deeper into the smut and gibberish-abyss of a damned soul.
A year before that I read Ralph Sarchie's Beware the Night.
Sarchie served up "Father Malachi Martin" like he was Holy Ambrosia -- the
most everclear and virtuous priest in the world. There is a photo of the two standing together in Sarchie's home. It was from Sarchie's book that I learned about Hostage to the Devil. It was heartily endorsed.
Sarchie's book was published in 2001. Food for thought. It gave me pause. Sarchi was a policeman, not a writer. The book was written by Lisa Collier Cool, a darn good freelance journalist. Her detractors set out to smear her with a play on words. We're all ahead of the bitches. Ignore that shtick. Her work with Sarchie not only puts her on the map. It shuts down the clap-trap.
But now I gotta ask -- who in the publishing machine endorsed Martin's book in Sarchie's book? Is it possible that neither Sarchie nor his writer were aware of this endorsement before it went to print?
Back to Martin's text and my acerbic review. I didn't know back then that most publishing houses would never print
such things if it were the truth. Anything that appears to glorify Jesus Christ should be
looked upon with suspicion if it comes from publishing houses owned by the children of the devil. Likewise, if something is on the New York Times best-seller list, reader beware.
Do your homework before you snap it up.
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Ashling and Suzanne
The sadistic murder of an Irish girl jogger
(the crap media reports: "Ashling Murphy, 23-year-old teacher from Tullamore, Ireland, went running on 12 Jan 2022 after work. At approximately 4 p.m. on the banks of the Grand Canal in Cappincur, a still-unidentified person assaulted and killed her, according to a report from An Garda Síochána, Ireland's police force.")
smacks of the same m.o. as the rape/murder case of Suzanne Marie Collins, USMC, in 1985. And a bunch more.
They called it "crimes against women." Duh. Most rape murder stuff is done to women. They are sexual commodities. Unless you count male children. Be aware of that. This is cookie cutter shit. Same gang. This is how they have their fun.
They send innocent men to death sentences to cover their asses. Same thing happened in Winchester and Tullahoma not that long ago. For each case, they pinned it on an unlikely "suspect," who got hauled off to the hoosegow. They sweep most of these cases under the rug.
Recently, there was evidence of a similar abduction right in the middle of Tullahoma. The witnesses who found remains of the girl's clothing and jewelry were paralyzed with fear to report it. My source for that is iron-clad. But his/her knees are knockin'. Chicken-shit. We have too many cowards in this country. And people who call themselves satanists.
You think I'm kiddin'? Here is the satanic version of "AmVets" They enjoy the status of a religion. Your police and military are crawling with these guys. How can you expect a satanist to protect you from the devil's work? Ever heard of a mason's lodge?
Count on these wankers to duck and dodge your investigations. Since my recent reportage, their web site developed technical difficulties. But of course. When it comes to news, only get it from the horse. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines -- all crap. Same gang owns most of them.
How can you police them when they own the police? They own your politicians too. But they never owned Kennedy. God loves him and I love him. The dead are afforded no protection from the lies they print about them. But wouldn't you know that Fredrick Toben went to prison for "defaming the memory of the dead." Once again -- same gang. "To find out who rules over you -- find out whom you are not allowed to criticize."