During the course of my six week study, I noticed how these imposter stars have a division of labour. Some appear to be scintillators. Others have a dimmer amber glow that emit telescopic beams of light. These beams look like pointer-lasers that one uses during lectures. Or like those used by military snipers to target nocturnal marks. Others look like distant stars in the background, emitting medium-intensity white light.
In between tanker loads, the sky is clear and I can see the whole enchilada. Some of the scintillating drone-stars shoot vertically to new positions. I have seen them shoot from left to right and straight down the distance of what appears to be a mile. They seem to shoot at almost the speed of light. They look exactly like a shooting star except they do not arc. They move in a perfectly straight line and stop on a dime. To a screeching halt.
During the day they flit from cloud to cloud, purposefully seeking cover. They do not want to be seen. They think they are hiding. And they do from most people. It is hard to see them at those altitudes with the naked eye. But with a good binocular, they cannot escape your peregrine focus.
They travel to their nightly positions just before sunset and take great care not to be seen. They are best described as fast-flying, wingless orbs or spheres. They are a non-reflective charcoal colour during daylight. But at night they emit high-energy photons.
One evening I saw a scintillator-drone enter a fabricated-looking cloud that was full of lightning. Under this charged piece of work I saw a tanker jet flying back and forth calmly as though none of the lightning was random or dangerous. The jet was directly underneath the cloud.
The monsoon this year has been totally out of whack. There have only been two times since the season began on 7 June, that rain has fallen at the proper time. It is supposed to rain daily between noon and 3pm on this latitud

e. This summer we have had little rain at all. On weekends you seldom hear a lawn-mower. I noticed today that the rain fell at a strategically-fortuitous time for the worried fake star coordinators. They know that people are curious about their secret project and do all they can to hide it from them. They make it rain when they want to conceal their "operation" above the fake clouds.
The military works hard to be "compliant" with the Wizard's directives. The Air Force and Navy bend over backwards to please him. He says jump and they ask, "how high, sir?" This of course is based on my recent experiences with many interviews. People in government and in the military are petrified with fear when asked about this project. Whoever the Wizard is sure has them doing the high-step. They have been forbidden to talk about it.
I want to give this project a classification like the one they gave the attack on the USS LIBERTY. Or what really happened to John F. Kennedy. Or what really happened to Chief of Naval Operations Jeremy Boorda. The smoking gun is always the forensics. When they stamp a man's autopsy and suicide notes classified -- well, there you go. Let's be very clear. If I was going to shoot myself, I wouldn't shoot myself in the torso. Why are those notes classified? Why can't we see them? What has the Wizard got to hide? What about that autopsy? What was the trajectory of that bullet? What kind of bullet was it?
You see what I mean? So here's what I think. There is great motive for putting a lot of surveillance in the sky. Surveillance that tops what they've had up there for decades. Pictures of the earth and it's surface are no longer enough. The Wizard is worried about what's inside of people's houses. Not all guns are registered in his database. With radiation radar imagery, he can x-ray domiciles. Kind of like they do at airports when you walk through that x-ray zone. The insult with radiation radar imagery is that they can see more than just where your guns are located. They can also see everything else. Truly an eye in the sky.
I think some of those drone-stars might be for surveillance. The scintillators would then be for measuring x-ray beam intensity. You will note that at your doctor or dentist's offices, they use scintillators for the same reason on their x-ray equipment. X-rays are invisible. You cannot feel them when they pass through your body. They are accummulative and can damage cells. You might recall how the dentist puts a lead apron on your body before x-raying your teeth. Ever wonder why?
If this technology is what I think it is -- there is sinister potential. One dose of radiation too much and you're a cancer patient. One rad too many and you have organ failure. Conceivably, sleeping people could be selected, targeted and penetrated with a radiation beams from the stratosphere. Their bodies could be insidiously-diseased or killed outright via such a method. Assassinations would be bloodless, quiet and covert. Fool-proof and risk-free for the assassin. He would enjoy the anonymity of a government executioner.
Unlike the Kennedy job, I feel that assassinations of the future will be carried out via high-tech, unmanned aerial vehicles like the ones not far above me right now. They can be used to thin-out all manner of populations. Radiation can manifest in many "natural-looking" illnesses and deaths.
I may be wrong about this. And hope that I am. But until our government gives us a tenable explanation for what I have witnessed, I have only the scientific evidence at hand. And what science has to say about it from my books.
If what the government has been doing in the night sky between midnight and 0500 for 45 days is nothing to hide, then why do they hide it? And if what they are doing is not nefarious, then why have they forbidden all their people to talk about it? A local FBI agent recently told me that they are forbidden to discuss any military operations.
The word "operation" to me means affront, attack or offensive. That she chose to use the word "operation" sends a chill up my back. I never used that word. It is a word of the war department. Operation Desert Storm -- they poisoned our men with radioactive refuse strewn upon the sand intended for the Iraqi's. To this day they still deny it, this "Gulf War Syndrome". Some operation that was. Operation Garden Plot. Operation Cast Lead. I don't like that word, operation.
Read history. Or be doomed to repeat it. Get yourself some binoculars and look up once in a while. The way a deer hunter shoots his game is by waiting in a tree-stand. Deer never look up. That's why so many of their heads are mounted on people's walls.