This is starkly noticeable as, prior to July, the city was riddled with police and Coast Guard choppers flying their nightly beats. They fly low. And they fly noisy. When they are absent -- you know it. Big cargo-size planes heading out to the island. When they fly over, your whole house knows it.
Since 6 July 2009, I have noticed how all air traffic abruptly stopped. A sudden and total stand-down of all aviation with the exception of 1 - 3 large Boeing tanker jets hushed-down so exquisitely that you can almost "not" hear them when you are standing outside. Directly under them while they make a low pass. On a dead calm quiet night. Gives you some idea. They sprawl across the sky slow and low. And take off at terrific speeds when they detect a lens pointed at them. Their skins look spray-painted white against the street-lamps. That's how low they sometimes fly. I infer this is to avoid hitting the scintillator stars which, by assorted parallax, are not far from the roofs of houses.
I have seen these jets fly at altitudes that I deemed dangerously low -- so low that their fuselage was illuminated by ground lights. I saw the whole jet. It was huge. A big 700-series Boeing. Looked like a 757 with all kinds of new bells and whistles. Clearly they were designed for what they are doing. Specifically engineered. Super quiet, super low. And don't wake the neighbors.
Got me to thinking -- why? Why the stand-down? Is it to protect valued pilots from radiation exposure? Lose one, gotta train a new one. At cost. And it takes flight hours to get it right. They are worth their weight in gold. Gotta protect our pilots. Gotta protect our force. Gotta protect our flight crews. We need them to rule the world from the sky.
Or -- it might be because these flying stars are not far from the ground and they don't want to hazard (a) somebody crashing into them and/or (b) seeing them up close.
Every colour in the rain-bow is pulsing at me from my telescopes. They sit in the sky like stars and try to move along a fabricated orbit. Sometimes they move out of sync with the backdrop and you see the disparity between them and their embellishing neighbors. I infer this is because they have not yet worked all the bugs out of their new technology (navigational and orbit-positioning software). The stars in the background are apparently stellar camouflage for the mobile units in the foreground.
I see them in the sky from just after dark till 0400 at which time they sporadically depart into the north or south. They seem to have an anti-gravity device and are immune to G-forces. Which indicates that they are unmanned. Some leave at almost the speed of light -- like shooting stars. Others glide away in steady lateral trajectories at much slower speeds. Too many shooting stars at once would alert the neighbors. One morning I even saw one with fighter escort flying south along the Bay. They go back to where they came from I suppose -- a hiding place. You know they aren't parking these things next to the KC-135's and Tacamo's.
Must be a secret. Or else they would not spend all night making fake clouds and fog to obscure them. They have tanker jets dump loads of aerosols, frantically working to conceal these round, wingless, fake stars. I see 100's of them over my head as I drive through certain parts of the city. They have demographically-definable areas where they congregate in dense constellations. There they stay all night pulsing their scintillators.
Some of the fake stars are posted in familiar constellations. I have seen Orion and the Dippers. The give-away is how they are scintillators, not stars. One can see the electromagnetic spectrum most obviously. According to my engineering books, scintillators measure ionizing radiation (gamma and x-rays).
They have briefed and apparently threatened all local military and police. To my experience, it seems that they have been told to "deny deny deny." The ones who don't deny, either ignore the question or offer fabricated intelligence insults. The others just hang up the phone in what seems like speechless trepidation. To me it appears that somebody has scared these people (air traffic controllers at both military bases and small civilian airports, military watch-standers, police chopper pilots, and anyone who might come into contact with a curious or concerned public).
Scintillators are crystals that express ionizing radiation in pulses of vivid coloured light. They flash every colour in the visible electromagnetic spectrum. Such as this rainbow.
What are they doing to us? Call or write your State, Local and Federal weenies and ask them after you have seen for yourselves what I have seen. Bring it up in your town hall meetings. Nobody here is talking. I've asked everybody who could possibly know.
Get a good binocular (10x mag.'s or higher) and see for yourselves. Steiner makes the best. But Orion has great ones at a fraction of the price. Do not look for binoculars at Wal-Mart or Best Buy. They know that's where most of you will go and they have made sure to not stock ones that will give you a good magnification ($50.00 jobs with low magnification top their list). Go to sporting goods/hunter's shops. They carry the ones worth having.
There is a fine line between hunting animals and hunting men. Ask the war department or a deer hunter. Steiner makes binoculars for both of them. You can see into space with these things. If you never had a binocular -- now's the time to invest in one. There are stange things going on in the sky that merit your observation with reports from other parts of the world that support them.