Funny thing about these
"passenger jets" is that they fly from and to places where no commercial airport is. And they fly over residential areas that is not a commercial flight path. But the most telling moves they make are U-turns to avoid telephoto lenses. Legitimate passenger jets would not care who was watching or photographing them. Conversely, they would welcome such attention as free advertising. The other factor that distinguishes legitimate airliners from these whores is air speed. Real passenger planes rapidly climb to altitude. They seek to clear a city and attain cruising speed. There are other jets queued-up behind them on the runway. There is a need for speed.
They attack our sky in fleets. Similar aircraft have been seen around the world doing the same thing. They have been snapped dumping their tanker loads in France, Germany, Greece and Canada among many other places.

This one likes to work alone -- high and fast. He is noisy. Note how the spray shoots out of twin ports and becomes visible well aft of the tail. This is a curious jet compared to the large tanker fleet we see all over the world. Maybe he is a new tool in the cloud/rain/draught/haze/polymer/silver iodide business. Or maybe he is practicing for spraying something less benign in the future. I noticed the distance between the aerosol discharge and the tail shown here. If I was going to lay a load of LD-100, I would want something capable of strike fighter speeds, agility and small enough to launch from the catapults. Like the horn-tooters wrote in their long white paper, "There will always be war as long as one guy wants another guy's stuff." 

A few weeks ago I caught a whole gaggle of these prostitutes working the sky. They have turned the Chief's firmament into a red light district. They are accompanied by surveillance weenies of two varieties:
little contractor gnats and
military busy bodies. They worry about binoculars, curious or concerned citizens, targeting scopes, and telephoto lenses. I don't know why they worry so hard -- Wikipedia has written damage-control explanations to cover their six. Screen-writers from the same gang just put out a movie about how lying can be a positive thing. The no-by-line writers at Wikipedia know better than to ever show their faces in sunlight. Just like the tramps who fly these planes.