Saturday, February 13, 2016

Douglas Reed

T h e   R e v i e w s

Margaret Mitchell was up on blocks when she wrote her "novel."  A broken leg will do that to you.  Ribbed by her husband to write a book, she was a better man than I am.
Journalists don’t write novels.  They write news.  Which becomes history.  Sometimes to get the news past censors, they have to call it a novel.  In Mitchell’s case, she hit ‘em like a hurricane.  Or like Charles Dickens.  “God bless us, every one.”

Up on blocks.  Yeah, I know the feeling.  So I clean off a shelf.  Always books on the runway.  Stacked up for miles.   Here is one that never got off the ground, The Controversy of Zion. 

“Indeed.”  Ever heard of Douglas Reed?

Consulting the internet, I cannot find one substantial thing about him.  None of my college texts or professors mentioned Douglas Reed.  All I could find was the same grainy image on web sites that parrot the same company line about him.  It looks like a photo-shopped head shot of a corpse.  The same one is used on wikipedia and on the back of this book.  I could find no other images of him anywhere.

According to this ghostwritten hodgepodge, Reed was an English journalist who quit his job in 1938.  He was a foreign correspondent for The Times of London.  After ditching his post over censorship, he started writing wildly popular books.

I have no comparative text of Reed's.  No original words -- unless there are a few of them mixed into this forgery.  That is what it reads like to my trained eyes. 

What journalist would carpet-bomb his readership with abstruse words?  A journalist is trained to shoot for the word power of average Joe.  And to do it concisely -- with high impact.  Some of the writers in this hive are no journalists.

Parts of the book read like a newbie wrote it.  A recent college graduate, for example, who wants to impress his boss with how many words he can look up on his laptop thesaurus. 

It's hard to keep a lie straight for this many pages.  Even for the father of lies.  In the first half of the book they spell Khazar.  In the second half of the book they spell Chazar. 

Therefore, this piece of hoodwinkery can be filed under "composite canard."  The bookstores are full of them.   They are written to propagate pseudo-science, political damage control, fake history, smear jobs, advertisements, and character assassinations.  Examples:  My Wicked, Wicked Ways supposedly written by Errol Flynn (character assassination) and Pentagon Aliens (pseudo-science and cislunar damage control with some Hitler-bashing thrown in)

According to Wiki-(back your lie)-pedia, Reed has been dead for a long time.  How else could these ghostwriters corrupt his text and otherwise ride his coattails?  Unless he never existed in the first place.  Which is easy enough to float.  Currently I possess no authentic first issues of his work.

In this 571-page phony, I could find no firm thesis.  It reads like a composite effort from a hive of hack writers with assigned agenda.  As one slogs through the sardonic hate mail, he learns that the writer’s voice changes from chapter to chapter.  Sometimes from page to page.  There is no rule or rhythm to it.  I can see a room full of cubicles where these bozos sit for weeks, cranking their section of the baloney.

This text reads like a thinly veiled gloat and brag piece about the atrocities of nascent israel.  Jeers, digs and jabs taken at the Arabs from a chorus of ashkenazim.  A voluminous patchwork of newspaper clippings from jew york central ad nauseam.

Depending on which hack is doing the writing, one wades through oceans of filler gibberish, redundancy and repetition.  Unnecessary phrases pad the text aimlessly.  It is clear by the pointless dates punctuating many lines that this is done to stretch a yarn. 

Huge blocks of microscopic footnotes weigh down the text.  These are sometimes loosley-related loblolly larded (how is that for sickening alliteration, "Mr." ghostwriter?) with stretcher words and/or boring quotes from new york news rags that span decades.  One footnote takes up 70% of a page. 

Despite the opening shill writing about what is wrong with the world, the usual slurs drive home where the book is going.  They always bash the same historical figures.  Whom they smear identifies them.  Did you know Hitler was a coward?  Buzzer goes off.

The early chapters attempt to saddle the Old Testament with crimes of Menachim Begin and his gang, but fail miserably to do so.  This writer is no Bible scholar.  Menachim surfaces again later to be celebrated and horn-tooted for what he did to the Arabs.   Along with the fierce money-power of the zionist networks that support such crimes.  And how all this is internationally connected, orchestrated and synchronized with global communist aspirations.   Aren't you scared?  They spell Begin's name "Beigin" in other parts of the text.  Buzzer goes off again. 

It is sad to read on page 511 about how these satanic thieves drove Arabs from their homes and now crow about their pirate booty.  They list the deep harbour of Haifa, railways, orchards, olive trees, orange groves, vineyards, airfields, good roads, buildings, elegant homes, shops, factories, movable property (jewels, furniture, carpets...) Delighting over this valuable legacy.   Then trumpet for miles about the bloodshed and massacres of those to whom it once belonged.

The twaddle over WWII history does not get airborne either.  They brag about assassinations and murders galore.  On page 420 they claim Hitler and Stalin had a pact.  That Hitler modeled Germany after their soviet kahal.

They glory over how a communist-infiltrated USA supplied and financed their regime wherever it spread.  How they had American presidents doing the high step.  Sending tanks, guns, planes and money to the marxist menace.  While holding back Patton from finishing off their band wagon.  How China was backed by the USA during its communist transition.  Whilst Chiang Kai-shek was driven off his homeland and holed up on Formosa. 

This is offered as a "rub your nose in it" to those who did not already know. 

The text runs in the vein of colourized, remastered footage of bombed-out Berlin.  Along the lines of a slain Catholic president on a coroner's slab posted in the public domain.  One does not have to be a genius to get it.

On page 472, they quote Ben Hecht, "One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the crucifixion of Christ...  If I'd had the charge of executing Christ I'd have handled it differently.  You see, what I'd have done was had him shipped to Rome and fed to the lions.  They never could have made a saviour out of mincemeat."

If a Douglas Reed ever existed, he would not have written this.