Friday, April 26, 2019

Virgin Ponytails

Our niece just came home with a shaved head.  Who would stoop so low as to coerce little girls into getting their heads shaved for something that is undiscernible?  Most people would not know a cancer cell from a liver cell.  And most people have no means of proving whether anyone has cancer or not.  Most people cannot even define cancer.  And you folks claim to be funding research for a cure? 

"Organisations" have been collecting money for so-called cancer research for over 50 years with no results.  Chemo "therapy" is just murder.  So it does not count.  You expect us to believe that your grant recipients are gonna fix cancer?  Why would we believe that when there has been no progress in 50 years? 

Relatedly, I have never seen a child with cancer in my life.  Nor have I heard of children with cancer until more recently via donation pressure campaigns.  If a doctor tells you that you have cancer, how do you know that you really have cancer?  Unless you are a physician with a lab in your house, you have no way to gauge it.  Unless pathology is your science, you have no way to prove what you have. 

It isn't like a broken leg.  You know when you have one of those.  Think about that as you collect little ponytails of virgin hair and turn them into fortunes.  There is big money in virgin hair.  Ever heard of hair extensions?  They are all the rage currently.  And cancer has nothing to do with it.  So the motive is there to cut a little girl's hair. 

Shame on you people.  I have read your web sites.  The worker bee's are dupes as usual.  They are in it for praise, community bragging rights and social stimulation.  Some of them might even believe the sales pitch.  God help them.  Get on their web sites and read the gobbledygook that passes for "cancer research."  See how many lines of it you can digest before vomiting. 

The whole thing reads like a racket.  Bottom line is that people are mortal.  Everybody dies of something.  Heart disease and cancer kill most people according to statistics.  But only recently have we been hit with a tidal wave of childhood cancer.  They claim that a child is diagnosed with cancer every two minutes.  Since when?

What they call cancer has heretofore been killing old people  -- like, perhaps, it is designed to do.  God made poison ivy.  He made cancer too.  He decides how and when we die.  So you assassins only get to kill somebody whose time has come.  Cancer may be your ticket to ride.  Think about that the next time you pull a trigger.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


In 1986, school teacher Christa McAuliffe thought that she would be flown into space by NASA.  Of course the shuttle of make-believe had to have an accident.  Christa may have blown their cover, being “an ordinary person” and all.   She would have returned to her family and teaching job — and likely exposed the whole shootin’ match.  The whole thing was a lie.  So she had to die.

If I had been Christa, I would have told everyone that all the space shuttle did was go up in the air and come back down.  And probably spend the rest of my life investigating NASA’s other tall tales. 

Perhaps our doddering president believed in space travel.  Maybe even that hilarious moon landing.  So he launched the “teacher in space” program.  Oh boy.   Now what is NASA gonna do?  The program was designed so that teachers could “go up in space” and then come back down — and share their experience with all the wide-eyed kiddies back in the class room.  Heck.  Could they let that happen? 

When your back is against the wall and your lie is in jeopardy, what options are left to you?  You need a chilling effect.  The last thing you want is a line of eager beaver teachers waiting to get on the next star ship to nowhere.  Like kids at the fair.  What’s that you say?  Do the carnies have a maintenance plan?  Well….  Ask one of the carnies.  They always tell the truth.

I bet president Reagan knows Who hung the Pleiades now.  And the moon too.  It sure wasn’t NASA.

That back-up girl for Christa has apparently been co-opted.  Or something.  People have done worse for money.  There was a woman down the hall who used to dive for a living.  Now she’s an astro nut.  Compared to diving, NASA work is gravy.  This chick was in the Navy.  Hoo yaa, deep sea, my sista frinn.  Are you still bloated with pride about your intrepid achievements?  I bet not.
I have to file Christa under the expendables.  There have been so many.  They put corny pabulum on her tomb stone.  And made sure to mention how curious and ordinary she was.  I hope her soul is in Good Hands.  Be careful whom you trust.  Let God alone be true and every man a liar.