Thursday, June 6, 2024

Danger Orange


In the early morning hours of a busy night, I heard the cardiac thump of a large chopper.  As it got closer, I noticed that it was at low altitude.  Curious, I left my work and walked into our back garden.  An olive tree covered most of it.  So I stood under the tree and looked up through its leaves.

Illuminated by its own running lights, I saw distinct and descript markings of a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter as it hovered near our bed room window.  You can not miss one of those at that altitude.  Blazing danger orange and white.  Hitting our big, undressed window with a spot light.  The chopper hovered there for an inordinately long amount of time.  They had no idea that I was watching them.

That room belonged to our cats.  They like to lay in the sun and watch birds.  But not at two in the morning.  The boys in uniform learned that there was "nothing to see here."  Awe.  What a bummer.  The depravity of these wankers gave me the creeps.  I realised that they were abusing their station.  Instead of rescuing people from the sea, these perverts were flying around Miami "tom-peeping" into bed room windows.  You can find the same thing going on at ground level.  Pick a town.  Any town.

The following night, they were seen doing the same thing on the other side of our street.  There is a similitude in what they did with what is today ubiquitous.  Beware, young ladies, of the telephone.  Should you need to call a place of business to conduct some business -- oh beware.  If a man answers the phone, there is a good chance that his breeches are un-zipped.  

Porn has reached saturation level.  Even illiterate white trash can find porn on their cell phones.  For this you can thank the same people who are dumbing down your dictionaries.  The same gang who are taking literacy away from your children while pushing drugs on them.  The demon-spawn who tell your kids that they are space dust.  That life is purpose'less and there is no God.

Pat Tillman said it best.  Only the devil's henchmen remain.  All the good men are getting out of the Army.  "Momma, why am I guarding the poppy fields?"  Since the 60's, our streets have been coursing with heroin and cocaine.  That's why, Pat.  

Today you can add meth and all those addicting pills that "doctors" prescribe to your mother.  In some states, you can walk into a gas station and buy edible Delta-8.  It is a synthetic THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).  That stuff chips away at short-term memory.  An essential function of the brain.  You need it to drive safely and to do anything else.  Like whether or not you just took another dose of D8.
Since Miami is strung along the beach, every square inch is accounted for.  They have residential crowding to the glades.  A peeping tom can get his jollies in that town.  Lotta dope.  Lotta booze.  There are roof tops on the beach where inebriated women don't even know they are getting schtupped.  Yeah, it's a real show.  Be careful where you go.  Never accept open-top drinks.  Anywhere.  Ever.

I work the night shift, bitch.  So I'm wide awake when you think I'm sleepin'.  And know what you did to Pat Tillman.  You ain' Airborne and you ain't shit.  There's one battle field in the offing that you do not get to watch from your pent house.  No sir.  You gonna be down in it.  No more planning wars for other men to fight.  No more profiteering.  No more false-flagging.  No more gloat-&-bragging.  No more hired guns.  No more bull runs.  Just a full-on taste of God's Business End.  The Day He avenges the blood of His Saints.  That will be the valley of the shadow for you.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Word Power


Most school kids use their "on-line" dictionaries to look up words.  I wager that most people turn to their ever-present cell phones for this action.  Cell, in this context, hearkens back to the word cellular.  What kid can define that.  It means short-range radio.  Understand that.  

Abbreviations of a word can lead people astray from their meaning.  It behooves the devil, who wants to dumb you down.  Case-in-point:  URL.  Most computer literates cannot tell you what this even means.  URL is an abbreviation for "uniform resource locator."  Bitch please.  To me that feels like it came from a lack-luster computer geek of the past whose daddy had money.  Because the university was on the receiving end of his "donations," they let his kid pretend to know stuff.  

URL means web address.  That's all it means.  How lame is that.  How stupid is that.  Some people are not the sharpest tools in the shed.  But because daddy has money, he will buy their way through academe.  I went to school with plenty of these guys.  They all drove carrera's.  

Back to your dictionary.  The devil's people are excising it the way a butcher slices up the dead.  Beautiful words that put a fine point on what you say are being cut out of your on-line dictionary.  They are dumbing down your world.  Unless kids wag around an old Webster's, they are at the mercy of whatever words that "somebody" deems they should know.

That is no way to fly.  Invest in an old dictionary.  Keep it on your desk and reach for it often.  Never put your trust in "books" from a digital format.  Digital in this context means "of computers."  There is a reason for real libraries.  And there is a reason they burn books.  Real books, not digital books.  

Real books are volumes full of knowledge.  They wanna take those away from you.  To keep you stupid.  So they can lord over you.  If you don't own the knowledge, you are at the mercy of those who do.  Knowledge is power.  We get it from words.  

Communication is about the use of words.  Morse code, smoke signals, nautical flags, sign language and other symbols all translate into words.  Words are how we think.  

The English language is an ocean of words.  Beautiful, deft, adroit words.  When you dumb down your dictionaries, you take word power away from your children.  Literacy is in the cross-hairs.

When you stop teaching them how to write cursive, you cripple their ability to communicate in writing.  There is exquisite pleasure in penning a letter.  Down to the smell of ink.  The devil's people are taking away your ability to think.  

They want you to be a team player though.  Do what you're told.  Fear death like the sting of a thousand scorpions.  Turn a blind eye to what is wrong.  Go along to get along.  Be part of the gang.  Part of the flock.  Suck up to satan.  Hick'ory dick'ory dock.  Turn a deaf ear to Walking Horse pain.  Be the devil's bitch.  Burn your trash in the rain.

Don't do it.  Home-school your kids.  Take 'um away from the yids.  Snatch the ball and run with it.  Cross the court.  Have fun with it.  Do not fall prey to subversion.    Do not be afraid to cast aspersion.  Quit being politically correct.  That's pinko speak for bending to the pressure.  Stand your ground.  Stop quibbling around.  "God did not give us a spirit of fear."

Get off the broad path and raise your kids right.  Start with God's Word and an old dictionary.  You cannot teach them what you do not know yourselves.  Blow dust off the King James Bible.  Populate the shelves.