Friday, August 28, 2009

Daily Tanker Parade

In the thick of rush-hour when most people are fighting traffic or stuck in it, these jokers come sneaking inland from the Bay. They are painted up in bogus logos and colour schemes -- trying to pass for
commerical airliners. But they're not. They are tankers full of aerosols heading out over the Glades to dump their daily loads. There they fabricate a ceiling to cast a veil between what goes on above and is kept ignorant below.

Their wing tips are often crimped up. Some look like KC-135's. Their fuselages vary in length and circumference. They look like donations from the airlines that were sent back to Boeing for modifications. Instead of passengers they now haul chemical cocktails that dehydrate and fabricate clouds, spread haze and make metropolitan fog. The possibilities of what else they can "deliver" is extensive.

On the wings you will note six appendages that could pass for wing-flap hinges. No doubt they have those. But they also have aerosol ports near or around the same locations. This is based on observations of them "going at it." Here, have a look.